gorrión rojo - MahjongJoy.com Hong Kong Mahjong (HKOS) Hong Kong Mahjong - la puntuación
HKOS - manos y valores

Hong Kong Mahjong es probablemente la variación más popular de mahjong jugado en China.

Hong Kong mahjong juego y su forma es muy similar a mahjong tradicional chino. Hong Kong mahjong utiliza a una progresiva systema de puntuación con dobles (fan). Pung and kong ya no ganan puntos. En cambio, fan se ganan de acuerdo con una tabla de pagos de-abajo.

Mahjong es un juego chino de destreza y de estrategia que implica generalmente a 4 jugadores. Mahjong es similar a gin rummy: el objetivo de mahjong es construir series y obtener los mas altos valores. Cada jugador de mahjong selecciona y descarta los azulejos hasta que construyen combinaciones completos. En la siguiente tabla se muestra un conjunto completo de fichas de mahjong.

(4 de cada)
(4 de cada)
(4 de cada)
(4 de cada)
(4 de cada)
(1 de cada)
(1 de cada)
Mahjong Character #1
Mahjong Character #2
Mahjong Character #3
Mahjong Character #4
Mahjong Character #5
Mahjong Character #6
Mahjong Character #7
Mahjong Character #8
Mahjong Character #9
Mahjong Bamboo #1
Mahjong Bamboo #2
Mahjong Bamboo #3
Mahjong Bamboo #4
Mahjong Bamboo #5
Mahjong Bamboo #6
Mahjong Bamboo #7
Mahjong Bamboo #8
Mahjong Bamboo #9
Mahjong Circle #1
Mahjong Circle #2
Mahjong Circle #3
Mahjong Circle #4
Mahjong Circle #5
Mahjong Circle #6
Mahjong Circle #7
Mahjong Circle #8
Mahjong Circle #9
Mahjong Dragon Green
Mahjong Dragon Red
Mahjong Dragon Blank
Mahjong North
Mahjong South
Mahjong East
Mahjong West
Mahjong Autumn
Mahjong Spring
Mahjong Winter
Mahjong Summer
Mahjong Flower Bamboo
Mahjong Flower Mum
Mahjong Flower Orchid
Mahjong Flower Plum
Hay solo 4 naipes de Mahjong Flores y Estaciones. Si se obtiene Flores o Estaciones, se declaran y se obtiene un naipe sustituto. Las flores y las estaciones que corresponden con el viento del jugador que gana pueden aumentar el resultado.

Las Flored son representadas por un ciruelo (1), orquidea (2), crisantemo (3) y bambu (4), y las Estaciones por las ocupaciones de un pescador, lenador, granjero y estudiante.
Flor Estacion y Ocupacion Numero El Viento
Ciruelo Primavera y Pescador 1 Este
Orquide o Lirio Verano y Lenador 2 Sur
Crisantemo Otono y Granjero 3 Oeste
Bambu Ivierno y Estudiante 4 Norte

El Objetivo del Hong Kong Mahjong
El objetivo es ser el primer jugador en obtener una mano completa que con 4 series de tres (tres de una especie de la misma baraja "pung" o una secuencia de la misma baraja "chow" y tambien un par, para el total de 14 pedazos.
Pung, Chow and Kong Combinaciones
3 de la misma baraja
Mahjong Bamboo #4 Mahjong Bamboo #4 Mahjong Bamboo #4
secuencia de la misma baraja
Mahjong Character #1 Mahjong Character #2 Mahjong Character #3
4 piezas identicas
Mahjong Bamboo #7 Mahjong Bamboo #7 Mahjong Bamboo #7 Mahjong Bamboo #7
2 piezas identicas
Mahjong Circle #3 Mahjong Circle #3

Rompiendo la Pared
Los pedazos son mezclados y colocados boca abajo en la mesa y cada jugador construye una pared de 2 pedazos de alto y 17 de ancho (o 18 de ancho si jugando con Flores y Estaciones). Despuso, los jugadores combinan sus paredes individuales para formar un cuadrado como en una imagen de abajo. El juego procede hacia la izquierda: Este > Sur > Oeste > Norte.

East throws three dice, and uses the sum of the dice to determine which side of the wall will be the starting point: count proceeds counterclockwise around the walls, starting with Eastern wall and number 1, so that numbers 5, 9, 13, and 17 would correspond to East, numbers 2, 6, 10, 14, 18 would indicate South, numbers 3, 7, 11, 15 would mean West and numbers 4, 8, 12 and 16 would indicate North).

Next, starting from the right side of the indicated player's wall, East counts off stacks clockwise until dice sum is reached. After that, East takes the next two stacks (four tiles) after the last stack counted. South takes the next two stacks, West takes the next two, then North takes the next two. All players continue to take stacks in turn until each player has six stacks (12 tiles). Note: players take turns going counterclockwise, but tiles are drawn from the wall clockwise. This applies when dealing tiles and during gameplay.

Each player then draws one extra tile with East drawing one last one at the end to begin with 14 tiles.
Any flowers or seasons are declared and immediately placed face up to the side of the hand, and are replaced with tiles drawn from the end of the Dead Wall (where the wall was broken) in the order of East, South, West, and North.

Playing Mahjong
Upon discard, other players can choose to pass, or to take the tile to complete a set (pung, chow or kong - see below), or to declare a win ("mahjong").

Play begins with the dealer (East) and continues in a counter-clockwise direction

A player may perform one of four actions on their turn
  • Draw - one tile is drawn from the wall
  • Chow - last tile thrown (by preceding seat) is taken to complete a consecutive meld (run)
  • Pong - last tile thrown (by any person) can be taken to complete a triplet meld [can be done on any discard]
  • Kong - can complete a triplet if the fourth one is self drawn, or discarded by another player if the triplet in question is concealed, draw a tile from the end of the final wall, and discard a tile to continue play

    Priority of Actions and Furiten Rule
  • Pong has priority over Chow if two people are claiming the same tile to complete their melds
  • Ron (win) has priority over all actions
  • Furiten = when a player discards a tile you are waiting to Ron on, and you do not take it, you may not win off the same tile during the same round, until you draw again (includes double/triple sided wait) This prevents you from targeting specific players to win against and ensures fairness.

    HKOS - la puntuación     HKOS - - manos y valores